Thursday, January 24, 2008

Its about god damn time

The Yankees have gone ahead and done something smart. Its one of those moves that will pay dividends for four years. I'm talking about offering Cano a four year deal, which goes against their position of giving young players multi year contracts and instead, wasting their money, draft picks, prospects and my time by getting expensive free agents in the open market. Sure they have an ass load of money because of the yes network and the fact that they play in New York. Not to mention that you can now buy a Yankees hat in the color pink which in my opinion is a sin. You shouldn't wear a hat because it matches your outfit, you should wear it because you support the team. Anyways, I look forward to a time in my life where the Yankees have homegrown talent, instead of watching said talent play on other teams.

Cano, unlike my friend Tommy Computer who wore a Cano jersey to the bars and while walking outside almost fell down, forcing the bouncer to say "twenty two is going down", because he's so drunk....will be around for at least a little while longer along with the rest of the young team. I like to watch a group of players called a team, not a group of players that can only be classified as a group of players who used to be good, but have bad backs, steroid addictions, and a medley of other problems (cocaine or domestic issues for instance).

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